Cremate Messy Stress

Sometimes stress is so debilitating you can’t even listen to a Paraliminal.

You are in overwhelm, and the last thing you want is a Paraliminal, or if you start it, you are so agitated you can’t finish it. Stress can really mess with your mind and body.

So…look for a sweet spot. That moment in your day when a little bit of light breaks through.

Who knows when that might be. Maybe after an exhale. Or upon hearing a soothing song. Or seeing something funny. Or when just waking from a nap.

Take that as an opening for a Paraliminal and listen to Deep Relaxation. Don’t think; just listen.

Paul Scheele created something magical with Deep Relaxation. It does more than just drain stress. It cremates it. It is superb for the everyday type of stress, but a godsend when stress is shaking your screws loose.

It can be hard to do something for yourself when things are crashing. But muster the courage for Deep Relaxation. Find an opening and listen to it.

And if you can’t finish it, fine, get up and go on with your day. Every little bit will help you.

It’s sad when things don’t go our way. But we don’t have to suffer when we have tools like the Paraliminals. Use them. Rise above the circumstances, and get to living a great life. To learn more about Deep Relaxation and all our other Paraliminal programs, please click here.