How to use The Law of Attraction Paraliminals

Have you listened to the three Paraliminal’s in Jack Canfield’s and Paul Scheele’s Effortless Success: Living the Law of Attraction course lately? They work to integrate the three steps of the Law of Attraction: Ask, Believe, and Receive. Last week I listened to Asking, Believing, and Receiving, and I highly recommend that you, too, listen on a regular basis, even after finishing the course. They will help keep the learnings from the course alive so that you benefit long into the future. I recommend one of two ways: * Three days in a row – Periodically, may be monthly, quarterly, twice a year, but at least once a year, listen to the three Paraliminals over a few day period, such as first thing in the morning. On day one listen to Asking, day two Believing, and day three Asking. * Three weeks in a row – Again periodically, listen to the three at the same time each week for three weeks in a row. Which way is better for you? Follow your intuition. The key is to listen on a regular basis. Do not rely on your memory to listen. Don’t listen only when issues trigger you. But instead, be proactive and put it in your calendar. Make a commitment to yourself, and do it whether you feel like it or not. I guarantee you that within seconds of listening, you’ll be glad you did. The Law of Attraction is always in motion. These Paraliminals ensure that you’re using it to further your own life. Pete