"Gonna wash that man right outta my hair"

Do you remember Nellie Forbush singing "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair" in the musical South Pacific?

On Wednesday I wrote about how effective the New Option Generator Paraliminal can be for obsessions. A client wrote saying I saved her sanity a few years back when I told her to use Automatic Pilot to "wash that man right outa my hair."

That's right. Automatic Pilot Session A is absolutely superb for eliminating those negative inner voices that sabotage you from moving on. Typically, one listening will stop the voices in their tracks. If they come back, listen to it again for reinforcement.

But if it had slipped into an obsession, New Option Generator is better.

Automatic Pilot, which works well for eliminating negative self-stalk and vaporized self-sabotage, takes a different approach than New Option Generator.

Automatic Pilot begins with an exercise to make sure you know what you want. You imagine setting the ideal end result and its benefit to you up on a pedestal so that you can walk around it in your mind. Then, you ask yourself the following questions and check your deepest feelings for a yes or no answer.

1) Is it what I personally really want?

2) Can I get deeply involved in it without having to pressure myself?

3) Am I willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to have it?

If you can say yes to all of these questions, without doubts or arguments, then it is a true desire. You can state to yourself, "I want this. I am willing to do what it takes to have this."

If there is argument, then the strength of your determination is not at full power. To really go on automatic pilot at full power you will need to strengthen your desires. You have got to want it strongly enough to leave no room for doubt.

Paul Scheele then takes you through the process of relaxing as he helps you deepen your will to create what you want.

Once relaxed, you are invited to explore the details of your goal, which mobilizes the energies within you to clear a path toward it. You notice the natural flow of your creative energies and experience guidance toward it through creative insight and encouraging internal support.

You then step into the goal as if it were already accomplished, experiencing the complete commitment and involvement of every part of you.

Stepping back to get a broader perspective, you observe your success and feel it as an expression of the magnificent abilities your mind now possesses. You deepen your desire and strengthen your will to action. In this way, you prepare to set in motion the automatic pilot mechanism of your mind, which occurs on Session B.

Paul did a magnificent job in crafting these Paraliminals. I hope you use them. With 34 different titles, there's probably one for every area and every of your life.
