Willpower and breaking a habit

A client felt confident that he had just broken a long standing habit and wasn’t thinking about using the Break the Habit Paraliminal. I told him that will power is good and can take him a long way, but that if he had inner support that Break the Habit provides, it would be much easier to positively redirect his energies and maintain being free of the habit.

Other powerful benefits of using this Paraliminal for support include:

  • Gain absolute faith in your ability to live a new life of positive possibilities.
  • Change core beliefs to instill positive choices.
  • Understand and appreciate the positive secondary benefits of the addictive behavior. The secondary benefits are there, otherwise you would not have had the habit in the first place, and it is good to know about them.
  • Keep away feelings of withdrawal with peace and calm.
  • Eliminate nagging frustration, guilt, and shame.
  • Live in accordance with your highest spiritual values.
  • Maintain positive thoughts and behaviors when you confront situations that used to trigger self-defeating behaviors.

You can use this Paraliminal program for any sort of addictive, compulsive, or unproductive behavior you would like to move beyond.  It involves two separate sessions.

In Session A you gather resources and prepare to break the habit you have identified, focusing on what you want instead of what you do not want. The intent of this session is not to stop a particular behavior but to shift your sights to the new behaviors and positive future you desire to create and reinforce.

In Session B you decide to step away from past behaviors into a new life. Here you instill new internal patterns, enabling you to make life-enhancing choices when you confront old triggers. In other words, your inner mind will learn positive ways to respond to the daily challenges of life.

Begin listening to Session A daily until you are ready to give up your habit. This might be just one listening or two weeks of listening—you’ll know when you are ready.

Then listen to Session B daily for as long as you need support. After listening to Session B for three days, we recommend you rotate listening to Session A one day and Session B the next day for an entire week. After the first week, cycle through the rotation three to five times a week for a couple more weeks.

Use this program anytime in the future if circumstances trigger an addictive urge. Listening one or two times will get you back on track.

As always, ask any questions by leaving a comment, leaving a message on our Paraliminal Discussion Forum, or calling one of our coaches during business hours.
